Starting in 1969, Doug Smith Spares has been in business for 50 years!. It has been a long time since we started, and what we know about Doug Smith has been passed down and whispered through multiple generations. We have been able to piece together some facts about Doug, but we are always searching for more information.

Doug was a gas station mechanic in and around the Sydney Parramatta area in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Legend has it he began repairing appliances on the side, and was not too fond of the retail companies he had to buy parts from. So in the enterprising spirit that still carries on in Doug Smith Spares today, Doug began sourcing parts directly from the manufacturer, to offer cheaper and more effective parts service to his customers. Finding his service increasingly popular because of his exceptional parts enterprise, Doug created Doug Smith Spares, which originally operated in Phillips Street, Parramatta, in the same area where he learned his skills as an up and coming appliance technician.

Doug Smith Spares was a hit for over a decade under the astute management of the original Doug Smith. Unfortunately in 1981 Doug was forced to sell the business due to ill health. Following this, not much is known about his personal life, but we do know he fathered a son, Brad and a daughter who’s name we don’t know, and that Doug passed away in 2004. The business has passed through a few hands in the time since, and settled with its current owners in 2001.

Doug Smith’s innovative spirit and passion for good value parts lives on in Doug Smith Spares today, where we constantly strive to find the best value deals for our customers. Come into one of our stores today and you can experience the same quality true-blue Aussie service that made Doug Smith Spares so popular when it first started way back in 1969.

Doug Smith lives on!



Doug Smith Spares has been collecting old appliances for some years, Click here to see some of the period pieces in our collection.