
ACC067 Universal Oven Adjustable Shelf Rack

A universal, fully adjustable oven rack replacement by Electrolux. Perfect if you are having trouble finding your original shelf or if it is discontinued.



  • Covers sizes from starting 350mm to fully extended 560mm

  • Suitable for any brand, oven or machine within the measurements

  • Confirmed compatible brands include: Electrolux, Simpson, Westinhouse, Chef, Smeg, Omega, Blanco, Fisher Paykel, Bellini, Beko, IAG, Daniela, Delonghi, Euro and many more.



If you are having troubles finding a replacement oven shelf, or a shelf that is economical to buy, then the universal oven shelf is the answer. Fully adjustable with the sizes below and will fit the brands






Includes 12-Month Electrolux Warranty


Replaces parts number: 0327001145, 1548479, 1548215, 1556215, 1557335, 1556552

Suits just about everything, including the models: DSJ638SNG, POH660S, POH660W, POH662K, POH662S, POH668S, POH668W, POH660S*04, POH660S*07, POH660W*04, PXL698S, POH660W*07, POH662K*04, POH662K*07, POH662S*04, POH662S*07, POH668S*14, POH668S*15, POH668S*07, POH668W*14, POH668W*07, 63CS08W*00, PGL657S, PGL657W, PGL659S, PGL659W, PPL775S, PPL775W, POL660S, POL660W, POL662K, POL662S, POL662W, POL667S, POL667W, POL668S, POL668W, PDL790S, PDL790W, EDC693S, EDC693W, 63C904S*13, PGH658S, PGH658S*14, PGH658S*15, PGH658W, PGH658W*14, 66E204W, POL660S*02, ESE6633S, POL660W*02, 86E217SNG, 86E217WLP, POL662KCY, POL662SCY, POL662WCY, POL667KCY, POL667WCY, POL668SCY, POL668WCY, POL660S*27, 75C805S*13, 75C805W*13, EDE693S, POHL662SCC, POHL662WCC, POHL668SCC, POHL668WCC, 75C975W*13, 75C804W, 75C805S, 75C805W, 63C904S*11, 63C904S*04, 63C904S*07, 63C904W*11, 63C904W*04, 63C904W*07, POH662W*07, POH662W*11, FREESTYLE688, POH662W, POH662W*04, 63C904W*13, POH667W, VIRTUOSO782, EVOLUTION904, POH660W*11, FREESTYLE678, POH678S*00, 63C807W*00, POVJ782W, 63C904S*00, POH678W*00, POH777S*00, POH688S*00, 75C804W*00, POVJ782S, POH668K*00, POH774S*00, POH678K*00, 63C844W*00, 75C805W*00, PDVJ792W, PDVJ792S, 63C807S*00, POH773S*00, POH660W*00, POH685W*00, POH777K*00, POH776S*00, 63C911W*00, POH668S*00, POH667W*00, POH688W*00, POH776W*00, POH773W*00, 75C974W*00, POH685S*00, POH698W*00, 63C808S*00, 63C906S*00, 63C844S*00, POH774W*00, POH660S*00, POH776K*00, 75C805S*00, POH777W*00, 63C912W*00, 63C808W*00, POH688K*00, 75C804S*00, 63C904W*00, 75C984W*00, 63C906W*00, POH698S*00, POH792S*00, POH685K*00, POH782W*00, POH662K*00, POH698K*00, 75C986W*00, 75C986S*00, 63C911S*00, POH667K*00, POH667S*00, 75C975S*00, POH782K*00, 75C984S*00, 63C912S*00, POH792W*00, 75C975W*00, POH675K*00, POH675S*00, POH792K*00, POH668W*00, POH662S*00, POH782S*00, POH662W*00, POH675W*00, DSL635W, PSL632W, 83E712S*02, 83E706S*02, EDED697S, EDCD697S*30, DSE6653S, 63G904S, POL783S*30, EOCL633S, EOE693S, 63G912W, EOC697W*30, 88E738W*02, EOC643SCC, 63G912S, 63G906W, 63G911W, 63G911S, 88E736W*02, 88E738S*02, EOE643S, 67G616W, 67G616S, PSL632S, EGC652W, 88E736S*02, EOCR633S, EXC693W, 83E712W*02, 83E711W*02, 83E711S*02, 83E706W*02, POL783S, POL781S, EXC693S, EOE697S, 63G906S, EDCD697S, PDL794W, EGC633W, EGC653S, EOC697S*30, EOC697W, EOC697S, EOC693S, EOC673S, EOC643W, EOC643S, PDL794S, EOC633W, EOC633S, EOCR633W, EOCL633W, PPL778W, PPL778S, EOC673W, PPL776W, PPL776S, ESE6634S, EGC633S, EOC643WCC, DSL635S, 63G904W, EGC653W, PXL688S, 88E738S, DSJ638S, DSJ638SLP, 87E716W, 87E716S, 86E217SLP, 85E726W, 75C975S*13, 85E726S, 83E712W, 83E712S, 83E711W, 83E711S, 83E706W, 88E738W, 88E736W, 63C906S*13, 63C906W*13, 88E736S, 83E706S, PSJ633S, 63G808W, 63G807W, 63G808S, PSJ633S*13, 63C808W*13, 63C808S*13, 63G807S, 63C807W*13, 66E207W, 63C807S*13, 66E207S, 87E716W*02, 87E716S*02, 85E726W*02, 85E726S*02, 85E726W*01, 85E726S*01, EXC643W, 66E202W, PXL688K, EXC643S, PXL698W, PXL688W, 86E217WNG





Brand Universal